Pure Freude an Wasser 25 GROHE Magazine 24 TONICO2 by Nicola Scarnera SPRING BOUQUET COLLINS by Erika Rossi 50 ml Memento non alcoholic distillate from the Mediterranean 30 ml kombucha with wild rose petals 5 drops wild blackberry vinegar 25 ml thyme syrup GROHE Blue Home sparkling water Begin by mixing Memento with wild rose petal kombucha Add the blackberry vinegar thyme syrup and a top of GROHE Blue Home sparkling water Garnish with a sprig of thyme 45 ml Bitter del Ciclista 30 ml white vermouth 15 ml Amaro Gariga 5 ml citric acid 75 ml GROHE Blue Home sparkling water 5 dashes Iter aromatic bitter Fill Bitter del Ciclista white vermouth Amaro Gariga and citric acid into a shaker Shake for ten seconds before pouring into a tumbler Add homemade Iter aromatic bitter and a top of GROHE Blue Home sparkling water

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