94 Pure Freude an Wasser How does architecture affect our brains We asked neuroarchitecture pioneer Dr Eve Edelstein about her multidisciplinary work in creating human focused environments HEADSPACE Dr Eve Edelstein is research director of the Perkins Will Human Experience Lab and the Gadget Lab using advanced technologies to reveal how design influences human experi ence thought health and well being Using the discipline of neuroscience as much as design and with a research back ground in the human nervous system as well as architecture and anthropology Edelstein creates human focused environ ments in all settings including universities museums work places and hospitals Her pioneering approach using cutting edge technological advancements strives to reconfigure how we think about buildings and environment GROHE Magazine sat down with the award winning designer to talk about the golden ratio how temperature and water affects our mental health and the role of virtual reality in design GROHE What sparked your interested in this collaborative multi disciplinary approach to design Eve Edelstein In part it s my legacy and in part it s my own fascina tion I m the daughter of an architect and my father was always explaining the why of a building and the human response to it My undergraduate degree at Berkley was in anthropology and at that point a leading neuroscien tist helped me understand at a more measurable scien tific level the interaction between an environment and how we respond to it So neuroarchitecture explores how one can match the physics of form to the physiolo gy of function There is a holistic umbrella that I use as a ow does architecture affect our brains ked neuroarchitecture pioneer D Eve Ed lstein bout her multidisciplinary work in creat g TEXT DR JENI FULTON PORTRAITS AYA BRACKETT

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